Joint Committee on Water Sustainability - Chemicals

Doodle poll - Additional date/times added - please revisit

  • 1.  Doodle poll - Additional date/times added - please revisit

    Posted 02-25-2014 06:49 PM
    Dear WS Chemicals: Additional dates/times have been added to the poll – please revisit and add your availability for the additional date/times. This will help to ensure we will have a quorum for this meeting. Your input would be appreciated by Friday February 28 th . Thank you all for your input! Kind regards, Mindy   From: ws_chemicals@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ws_chemicals@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Susan Cruden Sent: Friday, February 21, 2014 11:28 AM To: ws_chemicals@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: [ws_chemicals] Doodle Poll   Dear JC on Water Sustainability Chemicals: We would appreciate your input for the next meeting using the doodle poll below by February 28 th .   Please follow the link in order to participate in the poll: The purpose of this teleconference meeting will be to discuss the scope of the NSF 416 Standard as product or process to manufacture a product.  Information will be provided with the meeting notice once the date has been set. Regards, Susan Cruden Standards Coordinator NSF International scruden@xxxxxxx            NOTICE: This email and its contents/attachments may be confidential and are intended solely for the individual to whom it is addressed. If you are not the named addressee or if this email is otherwise received in error, please immediately notify the sender without reading it and do not take any action based on its contents or otherwise copy or disclose it to anyone. Any opinions or views expressed in this transmission are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent those of NSF International or its affiliates.