Hello Everyone, Randy and I combined out RSVP lists along with the hotel reservations. Attached is what we have as of this morning. I would like to remind everyone that the hotel discount rate ends July 26 th but reserving sooner is better. If you are not attending the summit but will attend a JC meeting please RSVP here
https://doodle.com/poll/nxygphxqspsz9a7i Hotel booking link
https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/events/start.action?id=1803212924&key=24660E0F Register for the Summit at
https://grmalliance.org/ Thank you, Rachel Rachel M. Brooker Standards Development Liaison, Health Sciences NSF International ISO/TC249 US TAG Administrator Email: rbrooker@xxxxxxx Phone: 734.827.6866 Attachment: GRMA Summit-JC Meetings-Hotel 5-18 attendee listing .xlsx Description: GRMA Summit-JC Meetings-Hotel 5-18 attendee listing .xlsx