Joint Committee on GMP Cosmetics / Personal Care Products

  • 1.  GRMA Cos 5/24 Meeting Summary

    Posted 05-26-2017 06:23 PM
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    Hello Everyone,   I want to again apologize for the wrong information in the meeting invite. We had a small group on the call and I suspect that that was due more to the holiday weekend than the incorrect number. While this was a special case I have been concerned that a standing meeting at 1pm on a Friday in the summer may be an issue for attendance. I suggested changing the standing date from the 4 th Friday to the 4 th Thursday at the same time. Those on the call agreed to this change. I will be sending a new meeting series invite shortly (with the correct phone number!).   The group on the call today continued going through the comments from the straw ballot. We did skip the comments that were submitted by anyone who was not on the call. I have uploaded the document to the NOW and attached it here.   Thank you, Rachel   Rachel M. Brooker Standards Development Liaison, Health Sciences NSF International ISO/TC249 US TAG Administrator Email: rbrooker@xxxxxxx Phone: 734.827.6866   Attachment: Compiled comments for GRMA Cos Audit Requirements ballot that closed on 04-08-17 with JC comments from 05-24-17.docx Description: Compiled comments for GRMA Cos Audit Requirements ballot that closed on 04-08-17 with JC comments from 05-24-17.docx

  • 2.  Re: GRMA Cos 5/24 Meeting Summary

    Posted 05-26-2017 06:29 PM
    Following up on Rachel's email--  It was announced on the call that we are now officially a Joint Committee.  As such, for us to effectively and efficiently move forward, it is important we have sufficient attendance during our monthly calls.  If you are a voting member and you are not able to make the call, please let myself or Rachel Brooker know ahead of time so we may plan accordingly.   Thank you for your participation and efforts in moving the standard forward.  Best, Angela  _______________________ Angela Diesch, Esq. Managing Partner DIESCH FORREST APC 6542 Lonetree Blvd. Rocklin, CA 95765 O 916.740.6470 C 530.400.4369 From: grma_cos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <grma_cos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Brooker, Rachel <rbrooker@xxxxxxx> Sent: Friday, May 26, 2017 11:22 AM To: grma_cos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: [grma_cos] GRMA Cos 5/24 Meeting Summary   Hello Everyone,   I want to again apologize for the wrong information in the meeting invite. We had a small group on the call and I suspect that that was due more to the holiday weekend than the incorrect number. While this was a special case I have been concerned that a standing meeting at 1pm on a Friday in the summer may be an issue for attendance. I suggested changing the standing date from the 4 th Friday to the 4 th Thursday at the same time. Those on the call agreed to this change. I will be sending a new meeting series invite shortly (with the correct phone number!).   The group on the call today continued going through the comments from the straw ballot. We did skip the comments that were submitted by anyone who was not on the call. I have uploaded the document to the NOW and attached it here.   Thank you, Rachel   Rachel M. Brooker Standards Development Liaison, Health Sciences NSF International ISO/TC249 US TAG Administrator Email: rbrooker@xxxxxxx Phone: 734.827.6866  

  • 3.  Re: [grma_cos] Re: GRMA Cos 5/24 Meeting Summary

    Posted 06-14-2017 09:19 PM
    Angela, Rachel and Casey (with cc Jason Snider):  I am unable to make tomorrow's call due to a last minute need to accompany a student for a capstone presentation at her company's executive committee meeting. Also, I need to put a "pause" on my official involvement while I work out an internal FIT challenge.  I was asked to take on two large projects which may place huge demands on my time (above and beyond teaching) and may preclude my active, official participation.  I will certainly let you know in less than two weeks, and I do apologize. I know you worked hard to put together the committee. Stay tuned.  Thanks, Brooke  Brooke Carlson, Sc.D. Professor "The Beauty Industry's Think Tank" Cosmetics & Fragrance Marketing & Management Master's Program  Fashion Institute of Technology /School  of Graduate Studies 227 W. 27th Street @ 7th Avenue   Office #E316 New York, NY 10001 (203) 243-9040 Office/Cell/Text brooke_carlson@xxxxxxxxxx For immediate program matters, please contact Dorene Kaplan, CFMM Program Office Manager at   dorene_kaplan@xxxxxxxxxx  or (212) 217-4311. In the event of an E mergency, please contact FIT Security at (212) 217-7777 On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 2:29 PM, Angela Diesch < angela@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > wrote: Following up on Rachel's email--  It was announced on the call that we are now officially a Joint Committee.  As such, for us to effectively and efficiently move forward, it is important we have sufficient attendance during our monthly calls.  If you are a voting member and you are not able to make the call, please let myself or Rachel Brooker know ahead of time so we may plan accordingly.   Thank you for your participation and efforts in moving the standard forward.  Best, Angela  _______________________ Angela Diesch, Esq. Managing Partner DIESCH FORREST APC 6542 Lonetree Blvd. Rocklin, CA 95765 O 916.740.6470 C 530.400.4369 From: grma_cos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx < grma_cos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > on behalf of Brooker, Rachel < rbrooker@xxxxxxx > Sent: Friday, May 26, 2017 11:22 AM To: grma_cos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: [grma_cos] GRMA Cos 5/24 Meeting Summary   Hello Everyone,   I want to again apologize for the wrong information in the meeting invite. We had a small group on the call and I suspect that that was due more to the holiday weekend than the incorrect number. While this was a special case I have been concerned that a standing meeting at 1pm on a Friday in the summer may be an issue for attendance. I suggested changing the standing date from the 4 th Friday to the 4 th Thursday at the same time. Those on the call agreed to this change. I will be sending a new meeting series invite shortly (with the correct phone number!).   The group on the call today continued going through the comments from the straw ballot. We did skip the comments that were submitted by anyone who was not on the call. I have uploaded the document to the NOW and attached it here.   Thank you, Rachel   Rachel M. Brooker Standards Development Liaison, Health Sciences NSF International ISO/TC249 US TAG Administrator Email: rbrooker@xxxxxxx Phone: 734.827.6866