Joint Committee on GMP Cosmetics / Personal Care Products

JC on GMP for Cosmetics Face to Face Meeting Draft Agenda

  • 1.  JC on GMP for Cosmetics Face to Face Meeting Draft Agenda

    Posted 07-25-2018 04:55 PM
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    Hello JC on GMP for Cosmetics,   I have attached and uploaded to the NOW the draft agenda for the face to face meeting. The meeting is approaching fast and those that I have RSVPed from the doodle poll ( ) are listed below. If any of you have not RSVPed please do so by EOB Friday! Also, according to the hotel registration list there are several of you who have not reserved a room. I am aware that some of you were told that the discounted room rate was no longer available but I have contacted the hotel and that was fixed. The deadline for the discount though ends tomorrow! Please make sure you use the link below right now to make sure you have a discounted room!   Hotel booking link:[]   Chuck Rogers Harry Bennett Carol DeFrece michael hingson Jeremy Cramey Alan Perlman Bill Sinex Tim Parrent Betsy Crater Dan Klassen Casey Coy Danielle Harper Mike Drumm Ella Riggs Valery Weiland Betsy Crater Dhanesh Prajapati Lisa Glymph Lattimore Brian Zamora Barbara Raiji Dhanesh Prajapati Susan Christie Sarah Oxendale Neshat Soofi Melanie Leibowitz   Best, Rachel   Rachel M. Brooker Standards Development Liaison, Health Sciences NSF International ISO/TC249 US TAG Administrator Email: rbrooker@xxxxxxx Phone: 734.827.6866   Attachment: 2018 GMP for Cosmetics JC F2F Meeting Draft Agenda.docx Description: 2018 GMP for Cosmetics JC F2F Meeting Draft Agenda.docx