Joint Committee on GMP for Dietary Supplements

  • 1.  Conference Calls

    Posted 02-07-2018 03:47 PM
    Hello Everyone,   As you know we have made a recent change from ReadyTalk to BlueJeans for our conference calls. I do not have specific numbers but it seems that I have had a large amount of people whose company blocks the usage of BlueJeans. I want to get some actual numbers on this. Can you please respond to the link below by EOB 2/14. I do not know if I will be able to change anything but with factual data I can do my best to make sure we are accessible to our members and observers.   Thank you, Rachel   Rachel M. Brooker Standards Development Liaison, Health Sciences NSF International ISO/TC249 US TAG Administrator Email: rbrooker@xxxxxxx Phone: 734.827.6866