Hello Everyone, As I mentioned in the kickoff Joint Committee meeting, we have created several task groups (TG) to focus on specific sections of the standard. Instead of just listing them on the call and asking for participation via email, I created a survey for you to use. Please note that participation in these TGs are for content experts and any drafts developed in those TGs will then have to be brought back to and approved by the JC. I also want to remind you that the TG membership is open to anyone. If there is someone at your company that is an expert in a particular subject matter he/she can join the TG but they must sign the attached observer agreement. The survey link is below and I ask that you fill it out by EOB 8/23 . I do want to mention though that, people can be added after the 23 rd but I would like to start looking for dates of meetings by that date. Please let me know if you have any questions.
https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3BPQXS2 Best, Rachel Rachel M. Brooker Standards Development Liaison Health Sciences ISO TC249 US Administrator Tel: +1.734.827.6866 Email: rbrooker@xxxxxxx NSF International 789 N. Dixboro Road Ann Arbor, MI 48105 USA
www.nsf.org Attachment: Observer Agreement for TGs and JCs - 2019 .pdf Description: Observer Agreement for TGs and JCs - 2019 .pdf