Joint Committee on Wastewater Technology

  • 1.  Wastewater Technology Joint Committee

    Posted 06-26-2019 03:51 PM
    Hello Wastewater Technology Joint Committee,   The WWT Task group on Scale up was created after the 2018 WWT Joint Committee meeting, and charged with creating an annex addressing scale up procedures in applicable WWT standards. Work has begun in earnest on language, and the group would like feedback from the Joint Committee and any other interested parties on the Annex. The group would like to know if the Annex should be written as Normative (containing requirements) or Informative (informational / guidance only).   Please click the link below to complete a short google forms survey. The survey will be open through July 10 th , 2019 .   Jason Snider Standards Development Liaison NSF International 734.418.6660    

  • 2.  RE: Wastewater Technology Joint Committee

    Posted 07-10-2019 02:18 PM
    Hello,   A reminder that the survey on Scale up will close tonight.   If you haven’t already, please take a minute to answer the google form link below.   Thank you,   Jason Snider Standards Development Liaison NSF International 734.418.6660     From: Snider, Jason Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2019 11:51 AM To: 'wwt_jc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' <wwt_jc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Wastewater Technology Joint Committee   Hello Wastewater Technology Joint Committee,   The WWT Task group on Scale up was created after the 2018 WWT Joint Committee meeting, and charged with creating an annex addressing scale up procedures in applicable WWT standards. Work has begun in earnest on language, and the group would like feedback from the Joint Committee and any other interested parties on the Annex. The group would like to know if the Annex should be written as Normative (containing requirements) or Informative (informational / guidance only).   Please click the link below to complete a short google forms survey. The survey will be open through July 10 th , 2019 .   Jason Snider Standards Development Liaison NSF International 734.418.6660