Joint Committee on Public Drinking Water Equipment Performance

Issue + Information Papers Due 12/4 for Annual Meeting

  • 1.  Issue + Information Papers Due 12/4 for Annual Meeting

    Posted 10-04-2024 11:43 AM
    Edited by Monica Milla 10-04-2024 12:00 PM

    The call for issue papers and information papers ahead of the Public Drinking Water Equipment Performance Joint Committee annual meeting is now open!

    Please submit issue and information papers to me by Wednesday, December 4 for inclusion in the agenda / meeting packet.

    • Issue papers are requests for revisions to the standard or for other action.
    • Information papers are requests to present an update or other relevant information to the group.

    Both forms are linked above and attached to this email.

    Invitations to the Teams-only annual meeting on January 15 were emailed on July 25. Please let me know if you didn't receive one.

    Thank you, Monica

    Monica Milla
    Standards Lead
    (734) 214-6223
