Joint Committee on GMP Cosmetics / Personal Care Products

Comment #12293: Comment on 455-3i44r1

  • 1.  Comment #12293: Comment on 455-3i44r1

    Posted 02-02-2024 02:46 PM
    Mr. Michael Levin added comment "Comment on 455-3i44r1" to the document "455-3i44r1 - JC Memo & Ballot.pdf" in the "Joint Committee on GMP Cosmetics / Personal Care Products" group.

    Subject: Comment on 455-3i44r1
    Category: N/A

    Though I understand this proposed change has passed, I respectfully suggest reconsideration for reasons detailed on the attached.


    Thank you.

    No proposal provided.

    Comment Number: #12293
    Submitter: Mr. Michael Levin
    Date submitted: 2024-02-02 19:45:54
    Status: new
    View Comment Details
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    Michael Levin Founder
    Health Business Strategies, LLC
    503-753-3568 Founder