Joint Committee on GMP Cosmetics / Personal Care Products

Comment #12309: Product identification - container labels

  • 1.  Comment #12309: Product identification - container labels

    Posted 02-15-2024 11:24 AM
    Dr. Steven Wolfgang added comment "Product identification - container labels" to the document "455-3i42r1 - Missing ISO Clause - JC Memo & ballot.pdf" in the "Joint Committee on GMP Cosmetics / Personal Care Products" group.

    Subject: Product identification - container labels
    Category: N/A

    I cannot find anything in the ISO 22716 standard (or adapted into 455-3) that covers so much as a startup check to ensure that when the products are ultimately put into storage after manufacturing, that they are properly labeled.  Secondly, I don't think the information that is required is necessarily all information that needs to be on a product label particularly as pertains to the US regulations.  Thus, I will abstain for that reason. I do appreciate the ability to identify products in storage but I also wonder how this gap might be reconciled?  Thanks for your consideration.  Steve Wolfgang


    None provided at this time.

    Comment Number: #12309
    Submitter: Dr. Steven Wolfgang
    Date submitted: 2024-02-15 16:24:17
    Status: new
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    Steven Wolfgang Consumer Safety Officer
    Consumer Safety Officer
    Food and Drug Administration
    301 796-3264 Consumer Safety Officer