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Amanda Zeoli (she/her)


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Posted By Amanda Zeoli 06-19-2024 12:00 AM
Found In Community: Joint Committee on Biosafety Cabinetry Events
Description: The Joint Committee on Biosafety Cabinetry will be meeting on Wednesday, June 19 and Thursday, June 20, 2023 at NSF world headquarters, located at 789 N Dixboro Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48105. Details TBD. ========== Agenda: ========== Minutes: ========== Attendance:
Posted By Amanda Zeoli 05-16-2024 09:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Joint Committee on Drinking Water Treatment Units
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Submitter's message Please note that a new version of this document has just been published. NSF employees will be able to view it in MasterControl (document #2351); others can use the link below. Thank you for your contributions to this document! -- Amanda Zeoli Document Name: NSF/ANSI ...
Posted By Amanda Zeoli 05-15-2024 02:57 PM
Found In Egroup: Joint Committee on Wastewater Technology
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Submitter's message This paper has been provided by Anish Jantrania regarding the WWT Task Group Aerosol Virus Monitoring, per discussion at the recent WWT JC Meeting -- Amanda Zeoli Document Name: Aerosol partitioning potential of bacteria presenting antimicrobial resistance from different ...
Posted By Amanda Zeoli 05-14-2024 03:24 PM
Found In Egroup: Joint Committee on Wastewater Technology
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Good afternoon, The Joint Committee on Wastewater Technology is currently seeking Academia / NGO, Industry, and Public Health / Regulatory category members. If you are currently an Observer and would like to be considered for Membership, please complete the attached application and return to me at ...